Even if you have good practical money habits, your mindset could still be holding you back!
If you were like me, you probably grew up with certain beliefs around money that prevent you from using it properly.
One big one that I grew up with was that it was wrong to want more money. You know the saying “money is the root of all evil?” A lot of us were taught to just deal with what we had and that wanting more would mean that we were greedy or ungrateful. But that’s a limiting belief! Don’t feel guilty about wanting to earn more money! Life is expensive, and living a comfortable life is something that everyone should aspire to. I had to learn that it was okay to want to make more money, as long as you’re doing it legally of course.
Another limiting belief is that you have to hold on to money tight! It was a running joke in our family that if you wanted two dollars, you’d have to ask my father for five dollars and maybe he would give you a dollar. Saving and penny pinching was something that many of us were taught. But here’s another fact of life… sometimes you have to spend money to make more money.
Growing your finances often takes money. You have to invest money in stocks, real estate, a business and yourself in order to level up your assets, skills and knowledge. And it’s expected that those investments will pay you returns.
Finally, one of the biggest limiting beliefs is that good money habits are only for certain people. So many of us grew up thinking skills like investing, making a money plan and starting a business are only for people who already have a lot of money or resources. But that’s not true! Anyone and everyone can and should be learning good money management and skills.
When you start a new job or learn a hobby, you don't know everything on day one. You gained knowledge and improved over time. Managing money is the same. The more you educate yourself, the better you’ll get. Stop telling yourself that you’re bad with money and start believing that you can grow and improve.
So join us in Money Mission premium and start taking the steps to improve your mindset and your financial future today! Click here to sign up!