in this mission,
you will...

Identify your main money problems and solutions
Develop a set of spending rules
Develop SMART goals for your money
Create a one-year plan for your money
Find out where your money is really going
I love the conversation, the group setting, but most importantly, the information that was shared in terms of how important it is to budget, how important it is to plan your money, to tell your money where to go, and how important it is to hold yourself accountable, which is what the group offers.  I’d rate it a 9 ½.  The 0.5 is because we needed more time.  The content was good.  The interaction was good.  The ability for persons to just talk through what was going through their head was really very engaging.
Kimberly Davis
Ever since using Build Your Budget, I paid off my credit card, I paid off my tuition loan, and I bought my first pair of Tori Burch... and it was in the budget!

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